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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Responses or Reactions.

The freedom of choice in accordance with the natural impulses of our psychosomatic manifestations characteristic structure.
That which we call human nature, from the very singularity. This is represented by every person, who demands knowledge of the reality. Which surrounds us in abundance there is no true freedom of option. Even where without a previous analysis of the exterior world that's can ponder and permit us to measure the risk. This which might be above our actions represent to the maintenance of an identity and integrity. Since one of the first human dictates of our conscience is to keep on existing in time and space joyfully .
The truly human acts are not mere pulsations of responses or reactions to stimuli from the indiscriminate habitats.
Where one only finds in which the individual him / herself, precisely because we possess a selective or discriminatory capacities. Ordering of abilities and conscience of our personal entity. The less comparative data we store in our memories, the less our knowledge will be and the closer we will be to the other species to an animal. Though bare of the series of vital resources conserved by these.
The essentially human acts are always pondering and  or ministrations that's permit us to self - evaluate and value the exterior world within the context of our own Circumstances. These evaluations and not the simple impact of exterior occurrences. Produce activate our Sentiments which will in one way or another. The evaluating capacity is Rationality, the function of that which we call reason, and the Sentiments. Which punctually our impulses will constitute what we call Meaning, Courage, Conviction, Determination and Fortitude. This meaning that's inspires human acts is frequently confused with the aim or finality of standard and poor medication. Our will is courageously determined when moved by that's feelings are not merely animals, but specifically humans.

A pendulous relation between sentiment and reason is established. As a first sensation, produced as a result of the capture of an external phenomenon. Through the senses, places in due course our capacity for evaluation and ministration by means of the more or less rapid collation. This is of our mental archive of data and experiences. It may be the first experience that's standard and poor cans settle in your mind.
As a sentiment, or be disposed of. If it is Converted into a stable sentiment, it shall determine our will, our motivating rational acts and utilizing our code of data to reach the desired goal. From there on , it will be the one which reason will guide our actions as true men and women.
However, the misuse of  this reasoning  can take us through a chain of analyses, back and forth , capable of making us re- evaluate our first 'sensation' and sentiment of ejecting that's already. With this knowledge settled in our mind, thus altering our will conscious towards desire.